
what doctor specialties will get automated?

doctor specialties automation

Will doctors get automated? Which medical specialties will be replaced by robots/AI

Technologies are designed not to replace physicians but to complement their roles, enhancing their capabilities.

Emerging technologies empower healthcare professionals to concentrate on patient care and innovation, with automation handling repetitive tasks. While digital health and AI stand to benefit every medical specialty, some are poised for significant advancements. In this article, we explore the medical specialties that hold the most promise for future development.


Physicians themselves are not currently at risk of immediate automation. However, many aspects of their work are becoming automated, which ultimately benefits everyone.

In the medical field, artificial intelligence is advancing rapidly. Radiologists, in particular, face increasing competition, as algorithms now outperform board-certified physicians in specific cases. While full replacement of radiologists is not on the horizon, we can expect AI to screen simpler cases within the next decade, potentially reducing demand.

Robotic-assisted surgery shows promise but is still years away from complete automation. It’s likely to serve as a tool to aid physicians for the foreseeable future, with doctors retaining control over procedures.

Clinical triage is evolving, with pre-triage applications making progress. While they are not replacing nurses anytime soon, these applications are becoming increasingly adept at screening patients online, improving both financial outcomes and patient care. Expect viable AI for pre-screening within the next 3-5 years.

The challenge of non-adherence to medical advice remains, with slow progress in developing AI solutions. Entrepreneurs, take note: solving this problem presents a unique $100 billion opportunity, with support from providers, payers, health systems, and pharmaceutical companies eagerly awaited.”

Disruptive technologies like artificial intelligence, wearable sensors, and virtual reality are revolutionizing how patients and healthcare professionals view the healthcare landscape.


In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, automation and technology are playing increasingly significant roles. From AI-powered diagnostics to telemedicine, the medical field is witnessing a transformation. This begs the question: which doctor specialties might be affected by automation in the coming years? Let’s delve into this intriguing topic.

Generative AI, capable of producing and assessing data like text, images, and videos, is already a reality. Among various professions, physicians face relatively lower risks of automation. Nonetheless, it’s worth noting that radiologists and pathologists, due to their image-intensive work, might have a relatively higher susceptibility to AI-driven advancements.


Radiologists are among the first to experience the impact of automation. AI algorithms can rapidly analyze medical images, detecting abnormalities and assisting in diagnosis. While radiologists won’t become obsolete, their role may shift towards overseeing and interpreting AI-generated results.

While I deeply respect Radiologists and their expertise, the task of interpreting radiographic images and making precise diagnoses aligns perfectly with AI and automation. It’s time for this evolution.

Nuclear Medicine, too, faces the potential for AI-driven enhancements, if not replacements. Nuclear Medicine Physicians typically prioritize one-on-one patient interactions, making their field a candidate for AI’s supportive role.


Similar to radiology, pathology relies heavily on image analysis. AI can aid pathologists in identifying diseases from tissue samples, improving accuracy and efficiency. Pathologists may focus more on complex cases and quality control.


Dermatologists can benefit from AI-driven tools that help diagnose skin conditions and moles. These technologies can provide quick assessments, allowing dermatologists to concentrate on treatment plans and patient care.

Primary Care:

Automation is making its way into primary care through virtual health assistants. Chatbots and AI-powered triage systems can assist in basic patient interactions, appointment scheduling, and health inquiries, freeing up time for primary care physicians to address more complex cases.


AI-driven systems can optimize anesthesia delivery during surgery, ensuring precise dosages and monitoring vital signs. Anesthesiologists will remain essential for patient safety but may have more advanced tools at their disposal.


Pharmacists can leverage automation for prescription filling and medication management. Robotics can accurately dispense medications, reducing errors and allowing pharmacists to focus on patient counseling.


Administrative Tasks:

Across all specialties, administrative tasks can be automated. Electronic health records (EHRs), billing, and appointment scheduling can benefit from AI, enabling healthcare professionals to spend more time with patients.

Mental Health:

While automation won’t replace mental health professionals, it can play a complementary role. AI-driven chatbots and apps can provide support, monitor mood, and offer coping strategies.

It’s important to note that automation in healthcare isn’t about replacing doctors but enhancing their capabilities and streamlining processes. Doctors will continue to play a crucial role in diagnosis, treatment planning, and patient care. Moreover, the human touch, empathy, and nuanced decision-making remain irreplaceable aspects of medicine.

However, the true disruptive potential of AI lies in reducing administrative overhead. Physicians currently invest significant time in entering intricate quality and billing codes required for payment and compliance with quality standards. This task is both complex and monotonous, making it highly suitable for AI automation. The outcome? Physicians will devote less time navigating intricate webforms and more time engaging in meaningful patient conversations, aligning with their desired and essential role.

In conclusion, automation is reshaping various facets of healthcare, and certain specialties are more susceptible to these changes. Doctors will need to adapt, embracing technology to improve patient outcomes and focusing on the aspects of medicine that require human expertise. The future of medicine is an exciting blend of cutting-edge technology and compassionate care.

Linkedin: Medical Specialties With The Biggest Potential In The Future
